After 5 weeks of working on my family room for the One Room Challenge, it is finally week 6 and reveal day! I am so thrilled with how my living / family room turned out. That being said, Murphy’s law was in full effect from day one of just planning this room. Not a single renovation plan of […]
Family Room Before + Plan: ORC Week 1
If you didn’t hear my big huge exciting news, I am honored to have been chosen as a featured designer in the One Room Challenge! The One Room Challenge is a 6-week remodeling challenge where you transform a space and share the progress each week. I participated in the ORC as a guest participant last […]
Living Room Makeover Reveal
*Thanks to FrogTape® for sponsoring this amazing project! Somebody pinch me… It’s finally here guys. REVEAL DAY!!! The last 3 weeks (actually 2 weeks for me…) has been filled with bone tiring work to transform my living room for the FrogTape® Paintover Challenge! I’m competing against 6 amazing bloggers (who I actually adore) in hopes that […]
Bringing Cottage Charm To A Space
*Special shoutout to Better Homes & Gardens for sponsoring this post! Affiliate links contained below I can hardly believe that this room ever looked this dark and dungeon like. It had come SUCH a long way, and yet it lacked that cottage-y feel that makes you walk into the space and immediately want to sink into the coziness […]
Cozy Cottage Family Room
*This post is awesomely sponsored by Better Homes and Gardens brand found exclusively at Walmart! Guys, I’m so excited to share some big news! After much debate about what to do with our guest house (turn it into a studio? rent it out?), we have decided to turn it into a cute cottage retreat and […]
DIY Mid-Century Modern Side Table
[left][pullquote width=”250″ float=”left”]So, this was suppose to be a side table for my daughter’s room…well it hasn’t made it there yet..[/pullquote].[/left] [right]*This post is awesomely powered by Kreg Tool and Build Something![/right] So this was suppose to be a side table for my daughter’s room…well it hasn’t made it there yet, but in my defense I haven’t […]
The Evolutions of A Living Room
First it was a sitting room (really? Are we going to go a’court’in?), then it was an office, then it became a secret guest room hidden in a living room…ok, this space was kicking my butt. Sure, I managed to put it to some practical use over the years, but honestly it just never seemed to come together… […]
Great Room Spring Update
*This post is sponsored by Better Homes & Gardens brand carried by Walmart You guys remember my Great Room right? Or do you call it a Living Room? Well, “living” seemed more accurate since we really do live in there. There are computers/desk space for all three of my girls to do school (we home […]
A Dream House Tour
Like most of you, I’m a sucker for an inspirational home tour. While we love to virtually browse through images of gorgeous homes and imagine ourselves enjoying these spaces, nothing is quite like being in the space itself. Experiencing firsthand the flow and beauty of the space, and learning what functions work best for how […]
The Living Room That Wasn’t…
I’ve shown you a million small projects I’ve done to makeover my living room (a million being only a slight exaggeration…well it feels like only a slight exaggeration…I’m exhausted!), and by now you’re probably eager to see the finished results! Bad news…my living room is as ornery as ever and simply refuses to be finished. […]
How To Know When Upholstery Should Be Painted
To paint or not to paint…that should be the question before painting our upholstered furniture. But sometimes we just dive into a project with our eyes wide shut. After all, won’t our gusto and faith in all things beautiful produce a DIY miracle? Probably not, then we’ll have to compromise our vision, or live in denial. […]
Dressing Table Turn TV Console
This dressing table was a family hand-me-down that I was grateful to receive but couldn’t figure out how to use. It didn’t fit in my tiny “master” bedroom, and I don’t have a real office space… Turns out it was the only thing strong enough to hold up our TV, so a TV console it […]
A Little Bookcase Styl’in {& A Big Makeover}
How do you create a stylish bookcase that is equally functional? Then again, a better question is how much of a design dork would you think I was if I said my first attempted to “stylize” the bookcase was preeeety useless. *hangs head shamefully* Is it just me that finds this task somewhat of a challenge? […]
DIY Board Game Storage Unit
Learn the best way to store board games for easy access, best viewability, care, and attractiveness. This DIY unit is easily built!