In my opinion hallways are valuable real estate and should be treated as such, that means I want to make the most of it! I may not always be able to use my halls for storage, but always the gallery lover, I believe halls can sport oodles and oodles of gorgeous art at the very least! […]
Pinspired Laundry Rooms
I hate doing laundry, but the mounds of laundry that haunt me daily sure seems to have a love affair with me. As much time as I spend in the dreaded laundry room I figure it should be both functional and pleasing to be in. Time for a little laundry room inspiration… I love peeking […]
5 Stylish Blogger Projects
My weakness is a beautiful project anyone can execute, that brings refreshed style to every space it graces. These bloggers have done just that with these easy to follow tutorials! I’ve been working on giving my living room a much needed makeover and I have experienced more moments of decor block than I care to admit…some […]
Pinspired Living Rooms
The blogosphere is chock full of gorgeous living rooms… sadly none of them are mine. Well not yet anyway.It is ironic, I’ve spent all my time on the little rooms (closets, bathrooms, laundry room, etc.) because I just haven’t been inspired when it comes to my main rooms. Of course, when you have a ratty […]
Pinspired Holidays
Ok, I confess, I’m not too traditional, I tend to think of the holidays as vacation time to break out the board games, and put my feet up! *giggle* No, but on a more serious note, our family has committed to keeping the holidays simple and each year giving the extra pennies that would have been […]
Pinspired Projects- Bathroom Spaces
I confess, I should have gotten the bathroom organized (at the very least) a long time ago. I have been waffling about the style and how to accomplish these conflicted ideas I have in my head. Well, its time. No more waffling. { Source: Emily Jenkins Followill }I love the dark walls and the […]
Hometalk on Entryway Organization
Oh Hometalk, where have you been all my life?? Maybe a more accurate question would be “where have I been all my life”? *grin*Ok, so I’m guessing most of you have not only heard about, but have been enjoying the Hometalk community for a while now… well then I have a question for you – […]