Paper filing was driving me crazy, so finding the perfect solution to simplify that process was vital! But before we talk about organization and keeping up with your paper, let’s talk style and creating a lovely file box.
I confess, I love using spray paint! It is a simple solution to bring high style to the plain or outdated. My absolute favorite spray paint of all time (which probably adorns 50% of all DIY decor in my house!) is Krylon metallic gold. Go out and get it…just do it, you’ll thank me later. 😀
I keep saying I should start using my gold leaf, or whip out my rub-n-buff, but nooooo, my lazy little self just loves the fact that spray paint takes all of a few minutes to apply. So here I go again, happily fuming myself out in the name of glamorous accessories.
Gorgeous gold accessories really take any space up a notch, but you can use any color you love, and any metallic will add a lovely shimmer to your space.
[right][pullquote width=”250″ float=”left”]I confess, I love using spray paint! It is a simple solution to bring high style to the plain or outdated.[/pullquote] [/right]
What can I say? I believe an office space should be as pretty as it is practical (and vice versa!). So my latest unsuspecting victim? A pretty little acrylic file holder from Target.
I’ve tried having filing cabinets, but that doesn’t seem to work well for me. We never file properly, and I get overwhelmed with the disorder of the cabinet and rarely bother opening it. So I’ve decided not to bite off more than I can chew and simplify…I’ll explain more after I show you how I brought high style to this little box.
How To Bring High Style To A Simple File Box
Don’t you love this little guy? And YAY, it’s cheaper than all the other admittedly gorgeous file boxes I’ve found at $7 from Target. Now to tape him off, and give a little spray paint make-over. I use Frog Tape to get clean lines…seriously, it is the best all-purpose and painters tape I’ve found!
After you tape off the entire top portion it is time to give it a paint-over.
[tooltip text=”To save tape, only tape off the first line, then tape on newspaper to cover the top half.”]TIP[/tooltip]
I’m using Krylon gold, which is still so much more coppery than gold I think. Don’t forget to finish with a clear protective coat, and remove the tape immediately to prevent pooling.
Man, I’m loving Target today! I am all about the spots on these hanging file folders! I could use more spots in my life. 😉
Let’s Talk Un-tamable Piles of Paper To Be Filed
I got sick of trying to maintain an entire drawer of papers to be filed. No matter what good intentions I entertained, the papers never seemed to get filed. I think maybe it was just too much to sort through too often. So I came up with a new plan and a new system…when a bill is paid I needed to be able to immediately tuck it where it belongs, and I needed a simplified file holder and storage system.
This seems to work well for me. In truth I think it’s partially mental…I needed something simple and streamlined. So rather than detailed filing, I’m keeping it as basic as possible, and when this file holder is full (which I believe will take a year), I’ll move the files to the file box in my basement.
Everything seems to have an electronic trail, so the likely hood that you will need to access papers over a year old is pretty slim, but keeping track of bills, pay stubs, and more for 5 years has been recommended. Even with streamlined categories you want to be able to find what you need in the case of an emergency.
I have big plans for the file boxes in my basement, but I’ll share that with you when I finally tackle them.
[pullquote width=”280″ float=”left”]Having difficulty keeping up with the filing? Try a smaller file box like this one, and keep it easily accessible desktop. Simplify categories to be less specific. [/pullquote][/right]
I don’t know if it is how stylish it looks (maybe I just don’t want to mess with how gorgeous it all is!), or how doable keeping this little file box in line appears, but it seems to be working! Woot! Of course, ask me again in a year. 😉
You can find my exact file box and folders at Target, but if you couldn’t find it at your local Target and are looking for another beautiful alternative (something you can order online), here is another gorgeous solution!
Learn how to make these gorgeous gold DIY magnetic tins here:
Learn how to glamorize your existing office accessories with paint here.
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Why am I just now finding this??? Lol. I was wondering , did you take off your tape even while the gold was wet? Did you wait for the clear coat to take it off. Sorry, I need more specifics . It’s So beautiful and I want to use it in my classroom 🙂
Ursula Carmona
I would remove the tape while the gold was wet (as long as it isn’t pooling in any areas, in which case let it start to dry a bit first). Then when you spray your clear coat, don’t add more tape, just let it overspray slightly onto the acrylic part as well as over the gold. That helps secure the edges between. Good luck!
In the section for magnetic tins, there’s a white bulletin/magnetic board with gold nailheads on the corner. It looks like it might be fabric but there are magnetic tins on it. Is this board something you made or bought? Do you have a tutorial for it?
any updated place where we can find the acrylic box? I don’t see it on the target site.
thank you so much for bringing us this idea!!! Going to Target RIGHT NOW.
Taylor Casey
Love this so much! Can I ask what labeler do you use and do you love it? Thank you!
Hey, I was wondering how many inches from the bottom did you do before you put the tape on. I like the ratio of gold and wanted to do it correctly. THANKS!
Ok, I’m the anal one who would like to know the measurements of the gold paint. How many inches from the bottom before you put the tape on? haha Don’t judge me, I just don’t want to mess it up. =) THANKS!
Ursula Carmona
Hahaha! Are you kidding, I’m just like that…I think that makes you totally rock!! 😀
It is exactly 3 inches of Krylon gold showing… so the bottom edge of the tape should go there. 😉 Good luck!
Do share pics! I love sharing projects done from our tutorials via FB, it gives us all a chance to admire your hardwork and creativity!
What do you use as your protective clear coat?
Ursula Carmona
There are a couple different types of protective coats I use, depending on the project. 1. Rustoleum’s clear protective spray paint, and 2. A wood furniture polyurethane spray. Either will work well. 😉
I’m in Australia, any idea where I can get a file box like this online or in Australia?
I love it!
Ursula Carmona
Thanks! I found mine at Target, but I did find a comparable (sadly not the exact same) on Amazon:
Thank you for this! This is the exact file folder I bought and almost exactly what I wanted to do with it (I’m thinking striped gold).
Noor Dahdul
I had to do a double take because I have the EXACT set up you have. Acrylic box, same file folder and even the manilla folders that go inside.
However, I am loving the pop of gold you added to yours! Very chic.
Ursula Carmona
Haha, great minds!!! 😉
Hi Ursula,
Your file box is so clean and modern. I was able to get the box, but not the hanging file folders. Are they from Target also? Who’s the maker?
Ursula Carmona
Yes, they are also from Target. I could be wrong, but they might be Nate Berkus file holders. There are also some cute green ones with modern designs. 😉 Good luck on your search!
Love this! Where did you get the black hanging folders?
Ursula Carmona
Thank you! I got the hanging folders from Target as well!
what Krylon Gold spray paint do you use? It looks like they have a few different ones and I really like the one you’re using! 🙂
Ursula Carmona
Sure! It is Krylon’s Metallic, called Brilliant Gold (I think the id for the color is 51510. )
Wait…….. where can I get that hanging file folder?! I’m not seeining it on Target online!
Ursula Carmona
Haha, don’t panic, you should be able to find it in-store. In the office department. 😉 Love that file!
Hi Ursula! I can’t seem to find the exact box at Target. Do you think they sold out? Do you remember the exact title and brand? I love the openness and style it has. Thanks for posting! 🙂
Ursula Carmona
Hmm, they are still carrying it at both of the local Target stores near me. I believe it is a Target brand product… the bottom of the file box says “HOM Organization”. I hope you find it!!
Hi Ursula! There must be a lot of crafty people were I live because there wasn’t any in my target. But my boyfriend said there were a bunch in his neighborhood and he got one for me!!! Yeah! Thanks for your help! 🙂
Ursula Carmona
Yay! Have fun painting it!
Thanks so much for linking up your gorgeous office organization Ursula! I am the same with file boxes and created a file container with a magazine basket that usually sits by my desk. (We are awaiting our household good shipment…) Hope to see you this week!
Hi Ursula! Just stumbling over here from Pinterest. I love this! I have been eyeing a pricey acrylic file box but I’m going to give this DIY option a go – it’s perfect. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Ursula Carmona
Welcome! So glad you “stumbled” over! 🙂 It is definitely worth giving it a try at $7 for a file box at Target! Can’t beat that price. I hope you’ll love your file box as much as I do mine!
Lou Lou Girls
This looks so perfect! I love it! Pinned and tweeted. Thank you for being a part of our party. I hope to see you on tonight at 7 pm. It wouldn’t be a party without you!
Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls
Lisa Petersen
Hi Ursula,
What a great site you have! I love your ideas and creations! I, too, love organization and a clean house, but never seem to get ahead of the mess. We are very similar–I just lack the creative gene you seem to have in abundance!I have 4 kids and 2 dogs, plus 2 lizards and a snake (ask my son–a budding herpetologist–how much begging that took!)–oh, yeah, and a husband, too! I am excited to learn from our local paper that we live in the same town. I’ll be sure to follow your blog–I’ve got the heart and desire for creativity, organization, and thriftiness–you have the know-how! Great job!!
Ursula Carmona
Thank you so much! Oh I well know the struggle to get out ahead of the mess! lol! Wow, you have quite the household to look after (especially the snake, haha), but I have no doubt with all of us moms keeping one another encouraged and inspired we can do it! 😉 Thanks so much for following!
It is perfect! I LOVE the gold accent!
Wow! I’m definitely copying this! Love the easy and pretty access to most used files! Love!
Ursula Carmona
Thank you!
Amy W
I feel ya, I go through gold and white spray paint like it’s water! Love this clear acrylic file holder with a touch of gold!
Ursula Carmona
LOL! Glad to know I’m not alone. Thank you friend!