Oh mercy. You will never believe what I did in my sleep deprived haze last week. And halfway to the end of the One Room Challenge to boot…
I may have bitten off more than I can chew this month. This has been a particularly busy month and I haven’t been sleeping well either.
So when I went to pick up the headboard I ordered (which I had shipped to store to save on the shipping & handling), and the store personnel couldn’t find it, I was a little worried. They searched for a solid 20 minutes, asking periodically “we called you and told you it was ready for you in store?”. Yes, I got a phone call saying it was ready in store to be picked up.
GUYS. Guys. 20 minutes in and I’m enjoying the pretty pieces I’m seeing at West Elm, wwaiting on them to find my headboard…only I ordered my headboard from Pier 1, which was right around the corner. :O Whoops. It slowly dawned on me that I just might be at the wrong store.
I felt HORRIBLE. I was running on 3 hours of sleep that day, and just came from a 4 hour shift of monitor duty for my kids homeschool coop. Still, it took me 20 minutes to realize that I was sending the West Elm guys on a fools errand. Poor guys. I would have been embarrassed if I hadn’t been so tired. Instead I laughed like a crazy woman, mumbled something about another store and how sorry I was, and scrapped the entire errand altogether.
(You can find this headboard in 3 colors via my affiliate link here)
BUT WAIT. It didn’t end there. I still had to rush the kids to their Pathfinder club (it’s like girl/boy scouts), and on the hour long drive home after the club meeting I have yet another head-slap realization.
The lady on the phone mentioned I should expect one large piece that did not require any assembly. Okay, great! Except that the headboard is 63″x81″ while my van is only 54″x80″. Oh booger. Smart Ursula.
Why in the world did I order a headboard shipped directly to store without checking the dimensions or whether it came in parts? What was I thinking guys? Oh right…overworked and overtired.
Jump to today…which is three weeks later. I had to pay extra to have someone pick up the headboard for me, and it is finally here, finally in my bedroom after all that drama. So much for saving money on shipping & handling. At this point I’m just happy to have this bad boy here.
The only sad thing is that after all this, I don’t love the color. It’s just ok. Go figure. I wish I had purchased the one in white. That is just the risk that comes with ordering online and never having seen the item in real life. It’s killing me guys. I really wanted it to pop in the room which it doesn’t. I might stain it to a darker color. I know I know, some of you just gasped in horror. Haha! We’ll see after I get everything else in the space.
So far I’ve gotten the headboard in place, the mattress up off the floor (FINALLY) onto a 14″ metal base, and I’ve brought a desk from my daughter’s bedroom (that she no longer needed) as my side table.
I really need a desk as a side table since I tend to work from my bedroom (and yes, even my bed). And getting organized a bit is a real relief since I’m constantly searching for these bedside items.
Now none of what you see here is going to be a final look for this space at all. This is just temporary for practical purposes before the room is completed in the next three weeks.
I just had a big shopping trip to the High Point Market, and now I’m waiting for a few of my orders to arrive.
Well, that’s all for this week. In case you missed the last couple weeks of the One Room Challenge, follow my misadventures here:
Week 1-The Plan | Week 2- Before & Afters
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I have a fabric headboard that has a few spots on it. Actually, I think my cleaner bleached out the spots. How would you go about dyeing your headboard? Not only with this solve the problem of the spots, but I might like it to be a darker color, as well. Please tell me how you would do this.
Ursula Carmona
Hi Shelly, I may go with a fabric spray paint, or a chalk paint. However since you are dealing with bleached spots, you may need to see if color will even take. I have clothes I tried to dye that got some bleach splatter on it, and I had to use a color remover (basically bleach the whole thing) first. You can’t do that with a headboard, so hopefully it will take color. 😉 Good luck!
Sue Castanien
Love the bedding with the triangles! Is it new? Where did you get it?
Codrut Turcanu
One of your photos is not loading… the one above this paragraph:
‘I really need a desk as a side table…’
Ursula Carmona
Whoops, thanks for letting me know!