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Guys, how is that we are in the 4th week of the One Room Challenge already?? Agh! I’m just not ready for this…progress is SO slow ya’all.
On the bright side, I got a whole slew of beautiful things for the kitchen! Some I found during my cottage kitchen shopping spree, and others I had ordered a while ago and finally arrived! Here’s just a sneak peek of a few of those items:
Tropical art | Copper pots | Ceramic Bamboo Pot | Cake Stand |
Aren’t these pieces perfect?! Just what I envisioned from that inspiration board I shared back in week 1 of the challenge. This really gets my inspiration juices flowing and helps me picture the finished project while the ugly before is still so fresh in my mind.
Last week I shared a sneak peek of the floor I was laying (while showing off my stunning new faucets…woo hoo we’ve got plumbing!). I made pretty good time, then everything came to a screeching halt, and not just because it was the weekend. My body finally said no. You have to understand, I have been working on terracing my raised garden beds, and digging in clay is no picnic! Mornings were spent on the garden, and afternoon-evenings on laying flooring in the cottage and painting the walls. I really started to doubt I would get through this week’s tasks, but after a day of rest I was completely rejuvenated. *whew*
The old flooring left much to be desired. Not to mention the gaping holes I had to fill in a few spots.
(2 weeks ago)
I’m loving the look of the new Stainmaster Oyster Travertine vinyl tiles. Plus they were easy to install by myself. And I’m thinking my adorable little nephew approves. He runs around the kitchen chanting “wun wun wun” (translation: “run run run”). You go my little Flash!
So ladies and gentlemen, my new floor is complete, the walls are painted (mostly). And that’s it. Nothing else done. Nothing at all. Boo.
Next thing on my list is getting the back splash up and the lights in. Then after that, my plan is to panic since a few really important pieces (including a ceiling fan that I have to install ) aren’t arriving until just a few days before the big reveal.
Speaking of lighting and ceiling fans, I am SO excited about a last minute amazing find I just ordered last week…the cutest ceiling fan I have EVER seen! The outdated ceiling fan in this kitchen was really distressing me. It wasn’t exactly reflecting the style I’ve been working so hard to bring to this remodel.
(Found on: Amazon | Lowes | The Home Depot)
Look at that bad boy! Isn’t it adorable? I’ve never seen a ceiling fan look so good. I Googled “contemporary ceiling fans” which lead me to The Home Depot website to scope out a few reasonably priced ones; then there on the last page (the page with the out-of-stock fixtures) was this little guy. When I saw it was out-of-stock and wouldn’t be available for another month I wailed out loud (overly dramatic, I know). Then I Googled the name and was SO happy to find it in stock online at Lowes. Lucky me! Lets just hope it arrives with time to install it!
Okay guys, that’s all the update I’ve got for you this week. I’m off to work! Oh, and if you have any important tips for back splash tiling, tell me quick. I’ve never tiled anything before, so this should be interesting… hopefully I don’t ruin this beautiful back splash tile!
Wish me luck (or come help me…lol!)
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Thanks Ursula for writing such a informative post on kitchen remodeling. I hope many homeowners like me would be beneficial by reading this. I believe kitchen remodeling is not that easy as we think, it requires a strong determination, time, and of course a lot of money. To choose the perfect cabinet, sink, faucet, flooring, counter-top material etc we need to analyze them first. It should be suitable for your kitchen and your budget. It would be a big relief for the homeowners if they hire the right kitchen remodeling contractor in their area as they can handle everything from start to end of the kitchen remodel project effectively and efficiently.
I think that choosing vinyl flooring is the most reasonable and practical solution especially if you are going to do flooring yourself. And besides, it really looks great.
AHhhhh Im getting the same fan in black for my ORC makeover!! I love it so much. Your kitchen is looking great!
No WAY! Great minds think alike (or run across the same fan?). 😀 Can’t wait to see yours!
your kitchen is going to be so pretty!! xo jillian
Thanks so much for the vote of confidence! I’m very excited for it to be finished!!
The floors are gorgeous! I love everything you have planned so far. That ceiling fan is amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it!
Your progress looks great! And I love all the beautiful things you got for the kitchen this week. Can’t wait to see the big reveal in just 2 weeks!!