I was incredibly thrilled to find these mid-century modern chairs at $30 a piece. What a steal! Hooray for awesome Facebook swap & sell groups!
My new mid-century mod chairs are sturdy, and ridiculously comfortable, but they do have a bit of “speckling” where the finish looked like it was exposed to moisture and bubbled in a couple places. My poor chairs look like they have a mild case of psoriasis! I’m a little bummed since I like the wood finish, and I’m not exactly feeling eager to sand these chairs down and re-stain it. Ugh, I hate sanding spindles, and worst with the freezing temperatures we’ve been experiencing in the midwest I’ll have to wait months for warmer weather. This type of project would have to be done in the outdoors to ensure proper ventilation.
Then a week after these darling new chairs came to nest, I was contacted by Master Manufacturing Company about reviewing their ReStor-It Furniture Touch-Up Kit. Could it be fate? I’ve always been curious about how well their Furniture Touch-Up Markers work, and with three kids scratched furniture is not only inevitable, it is sadly expected.
Well, guess what came in the mail today?
I am like a kid on Christmas morning when I get a package, and this is no exception! I’m eager, hopeful, and full of child-like curiosity (I wonder if I’ll ever grow out of that).
The kit comes with 5 touch up markers in various finishes, and 3 filler sticks.
First things first, look for instructions. Next, sigh with relief because instructions are short and easy! Next whip out the furniture.
Here is the first area I want to try the Furniture Touch-Up Marker on: The back leg of my mid-century modern chair.
See, doesn’t it look like a blight? Well, here it goes! I’m testing the Light Oak and the Natural on the very bottom to see which color works best. Aaaaand the winner is…Natural!
Check out this progress! You can see an immediate difference…look at that line between the area I’ve applied the marker over and the area I have not.
Hee hee, so I yelled “hey it works!”, and my three girls came dashing in to see mom coloring a chair. Their perplexed looks as they accuse me of “drawing on furniture” is priceless, finally the tables are turned. *smirk* I think I have some ‘splaining to do or this could come back to haunt me.
I’m going to let it sit for a couple hours just to see if it looks as good as it does when it hasn’t been immediately applied.
Where is a timer image when you need one? *wink*
>>One Hour Later<<
Ok, I’m back with the results, and I have to say I’m very impressed! It looks fantastic, and required no sanding or use of strong fumes like a stain/varnish combo would have.
Ok, now I’m really excited! I’ve dashed around the house a few times to see what other scratches or blemishes I can hide when I spy the coffee table of doom. This is my girls favorite place to craft and create. I’ve been thinking about refinishing this poor banged up little coffee table in my living room, but I figure the kids will just scratch up my hard work anyway.
I used the Filler Stick on these scratches, and take a look at the results…pretty good right? If you look at the right angle and in the right light, you can see where I used the filler stick due to the slight difference in color between my table and the color of the stick, but generally you can’t tell…I’m very satisfied with the results! 14 filled scratches later, and my coffee table has gone from doom to darling again. Even better, when I see one of my girls plop down at this coffee table, craft project in hand, I feel no stress.
Yep, this works for me. I can see myself using the ReStor-It Furniture Touch-Up Kit for furniture I’m not quite ready to makeover.
If you would like to give this kit a try in your own home, visit Master Manufacturing Company here, or like their Facebook page here.
Happy Repairing!
Great idea!
Wow, that’s really impressive stuff! Thanks for sharing.
This is so great! Much better than my sharpie marker touch ups on our entertainment stand.